COVID-19 : OPEN - Following safety guidelines as directed by the Médecin Cantonal.

Expectant Parents

Many physical and emotional changes accompany pregnancy for both the mother and father. Any issues stemming from parents’ births can reappear and manifest in the birth and early childhood of their newborn.

Supporting parents with craniosacral therapy and principles of integrative therapy can be helpful in preparing for the birth and facilitating bonding and attachment to the prenate and newborn.

Either parent can benefit from sessions, and can come alone or are encouraged to come together.

Sessions can be adapted to the needs of pregnant mothers, sitting in a chair, lying on a massage table or positioned on one side to maximize comfort.

An expectant couple

For more information or to book a session, contact me below

About Therese Desorbay

Therese Desorbay

Therese is passionate about helping others learn more about their own health and encourages them to take an active role in helping themselves heal.  

With over 35 years experience in the health field, she is a nurse, craniosacral therapist and integrative baby therapist. She also has training in neuro-developmental delay and mindfulness. She brings to each treatment her experience, presence, empathy and deep listening skills.

Therese has practiced in a variety of cultural environments and treats in both English and French.

My Education

Integrative Baby Therapy
Conscious Embodiment Trainings
(Bristol, UK)

Craniosacral Therapy
College of Craniosacral Therapy
(London, UK)

Neurodevelopmental Delay Therapy
Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology
(Chester, UK)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
University of Wisconsin
(Madison, USA)